About Us

Paediatric Continence Scotland was founded in 2020 to help children and young people with bladder and bowel problems , their families and the clinicians who look after them. Membership is open to any health or allied professional. We understand that continence problems in childhood through adolescence are distressing, stigmatising and often linked to other physical and mental health problems. It is essential that we see the child and young person as a whole, in order to give them the very best care we can.

Our aims are to provide a supportive clinician’s network, hold regular CPD education days, and to lobby government for better provision of children’s continence services across Scotland.

We hope to continue to develop this website to provide more resources for children, their families and for Health Professionals, and hope meantime that the Bladder and Bowel Health in Children e-Module on this site will be a useful tool for all.

PCS would like to acknowledge the important prior work of the Scottish Continence and Enuresis Interest GroupĀ  (SCEiG) in this field, dating back to 2007.